M.A. in Psychology

Core Requirements21
Statistics & Research Design
Quantitative Methods In Psychology I
Quantitative Methods In Psychology II
Design And Evaluation Of Psychological Research
Core Content Courses 1
Select two of the following:
Cognitive Psychology
Seminar In Cognitive Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Behavioral Neuroscience
The Science of Emotion
The Science of Emotion
Seminar In Developmental Psychology
Social Psychology
Seminar In Social Psychology
Social Cognition
Research Requirements
M.a. Thesis
Master's thesis passed by thesis committee 2
Concentration Requirements17
Select one of the following concentrations:
Clinical Psychology
1. Clinical Core
Assessment I
Foundations of Psychotherapy I
Assessment II
Foundations of Psychotherapy II
2. Practicum
Foundations of Clinical Practice I
Experimental Psychology
1. Seminars
Select two of the following: 3
Seminar In Cognitive Psychology
Seminar In Developmental Psychology
Seminar In Psychobiology And Learning
Seminar In Social Psychology
2. Research Practicum
Research Practicum
Total Hours38

 For the core content courses, experimental students should take Cognitive (PSY6400), Developmental (PSY6500), Behavioral Neuroscience (PSY6600), Social (PSY6700), or Science of Emotion (PSY6/7070).


If a student earns a grade of C+ or below in a course, that course will not be allowed to fill a requirement.

If a student earns a second grade of C+ or below, that student will be dismissed from the doctoral program.


Chosen in area of specialization (i.e., social, cognitive, developmental, psychobiology), courses chosen outside of specialization must be approved by advisor and experimental coordinator.

  • PLO 1: Ethical and Legal Standards Demonstrate knowledge of and operate in a manner consistent with the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct as well as with all relevant laws, regulations, rules, and policies regulating the scholarly and professional activities of psychologists.
  • PLO 2: Professional Values and Attitudes Act in a professional manner, employing and demonstrating self-reflection, an openness to constructive feedback on scholarly products, and the ability to apply and integrate constructive feedback in scholarly activities.
  • PLO 3: Communication Skills Create oral and written communications that are well-integrated and informative to the field of study. Evaluate oral and written communications of peers and professionals in the field.
  • PLO 4: Interpersonal Skills - Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills with relevant colleagues, supervisors, and organizations.
  • PLO 5: Research Comprehension - Critically evaluate research and other scholarly activities.
  • PLO 6: Research Production - Formulate and produce research and other scholarly activities (including critical literature reviews and theoretical papers) at a level that can contribute to the scientific literature. Disseminate research and other scholarly activities via peer-reviewed journals and local, regional, and national conference presentations.
  • PLO 7: Knowledge of Individual and Cultural Diversity Describe and discuss how personal and cultural history, attitudes, and biases might influence interactions with, or research examining, persons of dissimilar histories, attitudes, and biases.
  • PLO 8: Integration of Individual and Cultural Diversity - Integrate knowledge of individual and cultural differences into research and other scholarly activities.