Master of Education in Career-Technical Education

Admission to the ME in Career-Tech Education

In addition to admission requirements of the College of Graduate Studies, admission to the master's program requires the following:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited four-year institution

  • A well-written statement of purpose describing your background and goals as well as the importance of this degree in achieving those goals

  • One letter of recommendation regarding your potential for doing master's level work from professionals such as an undergraduate major advisor, current employer, school principal or others who are knowledgeable about your ability to engage in graduate work in this degree program

  • Employment to teach in a Career-Technical Education pathway in an Ohio school

The master's program has selective admissions and may admit a limited number of students. Thus, meeting all formal criteria does not guarantee admission.

What to Submit with Your Application

  • Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education
  • Statement of purpose
  • One letter of recommendation 
  • Initial CTE-37 Form without university verification

Requirements for the ME in Career-Tech Education

For the Master of Education degree, students must complete the following program requirements:

  • A minimum of 33 semester hours of approved graduate course work

  • An area of specialization in teacher education that includes practicum and internship experiences in PK-12 schools

  • Supporting coursework with courses pre-approved by the faculty advisor

  • A master's  culminating experience

For the Ohio licensure, students must complete additional requirements to fulfill the credential requirements as well as the degree requirements

No more than six semester hours of credit from any combination of workshops (5950), problems or special topics courses (5980 or 6980), and independent studies (5990 or 6990) may be included in the degree program.

All coursework and requirements of the master's degree must be taken within a six-year period immediately preceding the date the degree is awarded.

Master's Coursework

Specialization in Teacher Education

Select the following:
CTE 5010Teaching Occupational Skills3
CTE 5030Teaching Occupational Knowledge3
CTE 5050Methods for Teaching CTE Methods I2
CTE 5070CTE Methods II2
CTE 5110Seminar for CTE Teachers3
CTE 5900Curriculum Construction in Career and Technical Education3
CTE 5930CTE Supervised Teaching (Take this 4 credit hour course twice over two semesters)8
Supporting Coursework
CI 6410Content Area Literacy3
SPED 5000Issues In Special Education3
Master's Culminating Experience
CTE 6900Research In Career And Technical Education3
Total Hours33

Licensure or endorsement may require additional semester hours to fulfill the credential requirements as well as degree requirements.​ Students should consult their advisor for detailed information.

Guide for Developing a Plan of Study

Below is a guide for developing a Plan of Study for the Master of Education. Student should review their degree audit and work with their faculty advisor to identify specific courses to fulfill program requirements. 

Plan of Study Grid
First TermHours
CTE 5010 Teaching Occupational Skills 3
CTE 5030 Teaching Occupational Knowledge 3
Second Term
CTE 5050 Methods for Teaching CTE Methods I 2
CTE 5930 CTE Supervised Teaching 4
Third Term
CTE 5070 CTE Methods II 2
CTE 5930 CTE Supervised Teaching 4
Fourth Term
CTE 5900 Curriculum Construction in Career and Technical Education 3
SPED 5000 Issues In Special Education 3
Fifth Term
CTE 5110 Seminar for CTE Teachers 3
CI 6410 Content Area Literacy 3
Sixth Term
CTE 6900 Research In Career And Technical Education 3
 Total Hours33
  • PLO 1 CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT: Create a learning environment that encourages student motivation, positive behavior and collaborative social interaction. 1.1. Create safe and respectful learning environments where teachers and students safely operate equipment and follow emergency protocols (e.g., local and OSHA regulations, equipment operation and proper disposal of hazardous waste.) 1.2. Model respect for students diverse cultures, language skills and experiences. 1.3. Motivate students to work productively and assume responsibility for their learning.
  • PLO 2 CURRICULUM: Create short-term and long-term, standards-based, instructional plans based on the varying learning needs of students. 2.1. Collaborate with postsecondary institutions to create in-demand career pathways and inform students of college credit opportunities. 2.2. Inform and encourage students to obtain and maintain industry credentials related to their career pathways. 2.3. Develop curriculum documents (e.g., course syllabus, course of study, unit plans and lesson plans) that meet the needs of all students by utilizing Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels. 2.4. Integrate competencies for relevant industry-recognized credentials into lesson plans. 2.5. Develop intellectually challenging projects that require higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills. 2.6. Utilize career-technical student organizations to reinforce in-class instruction and promote 21st century skills. 2.7. Modify instruction to support all students in achieving their full learning potential. 2.8. Integrate employability skills as well as challenging technical content and knowledge into daily instruction. 2.9. Integrate challenging academic content and knowledge into daily instruction.
  • PLO 3 INSTRUCTION: Use instructional strategies that actively engage students in developing problem-solving, critical-thinking and teamwork skills. 3.1. Use content-specific instructional strategies to teach main concepts and skills effectively. 3.2. Create learning situations where students work independently, collaboratively and as a whole class, while providing opportunities for individual assessment. 3.3. Integrate the main components of a career-technical education program into instruction (i.e., laboratory, classroom and career-technical student organizations). 3.4. Identify the domains of learning (i.e., cognitive, affective and psychomotor) and how they relate to the career-technical education classroom and laboratory. 3.5. Demonstrate instructional strategies that foster positive relationships with students.\\n3.6. Utilize business and industry to develop and implement experiential and work-based learning\\nopportunities for students that enhance classroom and laboratory learning. 3.7. Demonstrate how inquiry-based instructional strategies are a prominent part of teaching practices.
  • PLO 4 ASSESSMENT: Utilize formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate students progress toward learning goals, provide feedback to improve student learning and improve instruction. 4.1. Select, develop and use a variety of diagnostic, formative and summative assessments to monitor student learning and progress. 4.2. Provide opportunities for students to self-assess their learning and set individual goals. 4.3. Analyze student data to reflect, self-assess and modify the teaching-learning cycle (e.g., plan, teach, assess, revise and reteach). 4.4. Make assessment results available to students and stakeholders in a format that is understandable and maintains appropriate privacy requirements.
  • PLO 5 PROGRAM REVIEW: Utilize data for continual program improvement. 5.1. Use Quality Program Standards and program-level data to review the career-technical education program and recommend improvements. 5.2. Establish, implement and maintain a required advisory committee aligned with the program pathway. 5.3. Utilize the advisory committee s recommendations to assist with program review and improvement.
  • PLO 6. RECRUITMENT: Engage all stakeholders in the development and support of the career-technical program. 6.1. Articulate to stakeholders (e.g., parents, students, business leaders and associated school personnel) how career-technical education prepares students for successful employment and ongoing education. 6.2. Actively recruit for and market the career-technical education program to all populations, including non-traditional students (e.g., recruit males for predominantly female occupations and vice versa). 6.3. Collaborate with business and other community organizations to promote positive student learning and work-based learning experiences.
  • PLO 7 PROFESSIONALISM: Continue to develop as professionals. 7.1. Adhere to established ethics, policies and legal codes of professional conduct. 7.2. Participate in ongoing education and professional development to stay current and obtain advanced training, industry credentials and licensure requirements. 7.3. Communicate professionally, clearly and effectively. 7.4. Collaborate with district teachers and administrators on non-teaching responsibilities (e.g., serving on committees, attending staff and individualized education program meetings, supervising students during non-teaching times.) 7.5. Participate in related local, state and national professional associations.