Health Humanities Minor

For the minor, students should complete either of the following:3
Disability Culture
Feminist Health Humanities
To complete the minor, select 15 credits from the list below with no more than 6 credits selected from a single department or discipline15
Food, Health, Society
Medical Anthropology
Art and Disease - WAC
Health Communication
Disability and Chronic Illness
U.S. Disability History
Disability in American Literature
Special Topics in Disability Studies
Disability and Sexuality
Crip Arts, Crip Culture
Gender and Disability
Special Topics in Disability Studies 1
Autism and Culture
Intercultural Communication: Principles And Practice
Women in Medieval Europe
U.S. Disability History
Medical Ethics
Science And Society
Data Science Ethics
Environmental Ethics
Philosophy Of Psychology
Philosophy Of Mind
Health Psychology
World Religions
Medical Sociology
Intermediate Spanish II 2
Special Topics In Women's And Gender Studies 1
Disability and Sexuality
Health And Gender
Total Hours18

Special topics should pertain to issues in Health Humanities and must be approved by advisor for use in the minor. 


Only sections of SPAN 2150 identified as for Health Professions are eligible for use in minor. 


Learners may take a total of 2 classes from social science disciplines (i.e. Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology)

  • Cultivate skills for cross-disciplinary analysis of the ways that power and privilege relate to health inequalities (racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, and ableism) that have led to disparities in health outcomes and delivery in contemporary and historical contexts.
  • Identify and engage with multiple discourses about health and medicine (institutional, historical, political, juridical, artistic, social, cultural, etc.).
  • Integrate health literacy with humanistic methods to interpret, contextualize and critique health-related discourses and to consider new ways of interpreting embodiment.
  • Apply close reading and listening strategies, contemporary theory, critical analysis, and ethical evaluation to field work experience in health-related professional settings.