Minor in Language and Linguistics

LING 3150Linguistic Principles3
Select one of the following:3
Intermediate Arabic II
Intermediate Chinese II
Intermediate French II
Intermediate German II
Intermediate Latin II
Intermediate Spanish II
Any 4 courses from the following: 12
Cultural Anthropology
Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering Technology
Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
Intercultural Communication: Principles And Practice
Teaching Colloquia
Special Topics in Foreign Languages
Issues In Esl Writing
Special Topics
LING 4990
Introduction To Logic
Philosophy Of Language
Cognitive Neuropsychology
Behavioral Neuroscience
Clinical Phonetics
Syntax And Stylistics
Translation & Interpretation In Spanish
History Of The Spanish Language
Introduction To Spanish Linguistics
Linguistic Analysis
Total Hours18
  • Students will describe the relationship between language, society, cognition and culture.