BSW in Social Work

Students entering The University of Toledo with the intent of majoring in social work declare pre-social work as their major until they complete the requirements to apply and gain admission to the social work program. 

Prior to applying to the social work program, the student must have:

  • Completed 43 credit hours; and
  • Have a minimum UToledo GPA of 2.25; and
  • Have completed SOCW 1030 and SOCW 2010 with a minimum major GPA of 2.5 and a grade no less than C in each of these social work courses; and
  • Have completed a satisfactory Career Choice and Self-Assessment Essay.

Admission to the social work program is selective; students will not be permitted to enroll in social work courses at the 3000 level or higher unless they have been admitted to the social work program. Applications are available from the social work advisor.

Students should follow and complete the degree requirements as displayed in the social work program degree chart.  Students may not take PS/NC in major courses or related courses except SOCW 4220. Below is a sample plan of study. Consult your degree audit for your program requirements.

BSW in Social Work

Plan of Study Grid
First TermHours
ENGL 1110 College Composition I 3
HHS 1000 Health And Human Services/College Orientation 1
MATH 1180 Reasoning With Mathematics 3
SOC 1010 Introduction To Sociology 3
SOCW 1030 Introduction To Social Welfare 1 3
Arts/Humanities Core 3
Second Term
BIOL 1120 Survey Of Biology 3
ECON 1010 Introduction To Economic Issues 3
ENGL 1130 College Composition II: Academic Disciplines And Discourse 3
Arts/Humanities Core 3
WGST Course 3
Third Term
CMPT 1100 Microsoft Office Applications 3
PSC 1200 American National Government 1 3
PSY 1010 Principles Of Psychology 3
SOCW 2010 Survey Of The Social Work Profession 1 4
Elective 3
Fourth Term
ANTH 2800 Cultural Anthropology 3
Natural Sciences Core 3
Natural Science Core Laboratory 1
Social Work Elective 1 3
Elective 6
Fifth Term
SOCW 3110 Social Work Practice I 1 3
SOCW 3210 Human Behavior in the Soc Environment I 1 3
SOCW 3300 Social Policy And Legislation 1 3
SOCW 3410 Social Work Research Practicum I 1 3
AFST, DST, PSY, SOC or WGST course 3
Sixth Term
SOCW 3120 Social Work Interviewing And Recording 1 4
SOCW 3220 Human Behavior In Social Environment II 1 3
SOCW 3230 Human Behavior in the Social Environment III 1 3
SOCW 3420 Social Work Research Practicum II 1 3
SOCW 3090 Social Work Perspectives On Culture And Oppression 1 3
Seventh Term
SOCW 4120 Social Work Practice II 1 3
SOCW 4200 Field Seminar II 1 1
SOCW 4220 Social Work Field Experience II 1 5
Diversity of US (History) 3
Eighth Term
SOCW 4130 Social Work Practice III 1 3
SOCW 4210 Field Seminar III 1 1
SOCW 4230 Field Experience III 1 5
Elective 5
 Total Hours120

A "C" or better is required in this course.

  • PLO Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
  • PLO Competency 2: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
  • PLO Competency 3: Engage Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) in Practice
  • PLO Competency 4: Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
  • PLO Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice
  • PLO Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  • PLO Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  • PLO Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  • PLO Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Departmental Honors In Social Work

Qualified juniors and seniors may apply to work for honors in social work.

The following are requirements for admission to the departmental honors program in social work:

  • Minimum GPA of 3.3 in social work courses
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • 12 hours completed work in social work, and
  • Qualification as a social work major.

Upon admission to the departmental honors program in social work, the student must complete nine hours of independent work in social work. During the final semester before graduation, the student must pass a comprehensive examination or complete a research project. The honors topic and research project are to be developed in close conjunction with a faculty advisor. Students should discuss their special interests with faculty members or with an advisor who will help identify an appropriate faculty member to guide the honors work.