Minor in World Languages and Cultures
A minimum of 22 hours is required for the minor in German and Japanese. A minor in Spanish requires 21 hours. All course work must be in the same language and at the 2000 level or higher for Arabic, French, Japanese, and Spanish; at the 3000 level or higher for German. A minimum of 18 hours is required for the minors in Arabic, General French, and Applied French.
Students wishing to receive a minor in World Languages and Cultures have the responsibility, in consultation with the advisor in their major, to see that the necessary course work is included in the total number of undergraduate courses taken. Students outside the College of Arts and Letters should make sure that the minor in World Languages and Cultures is an approved program within their college.
Candidates for the minor in World Languages and Cultures must have their course work verified and approved by a World Languages and Cultures Department advisor or that department’s chairperson at the time they make formal application for graduation. A form for this verification can be obtained from the college or department office.
Courses required for either the major or minor may not be taken P/NC; however, up to 12 hours of P/NC course work may be included in the related area.