Microbiology (MICB)

MICB 5020 Medical Microbiology II

[5 credit hours]

MICB 6200 Microbiology Human Infections

[3 credit hours]

A series of lectures describing the classification, replication strategics and structural composition of the major families of animal viruses that infect humans.

MICB 6210 Advanced Virology

[3 credit hours]

An in-depth analysis of current research in virology including the reading and analysis of recently published papers on the replication and molecular biology of animal viruses, particularly viruses belonging to the Togaviridiae and coronaviridae and the bacterial and plant viruses that are homologous to these two families of animal viruses.

MICB 6220 Laboratory Molecular Virology

[4 credit hours]

A laboratory course in which the students will learn to grow tissue culture cells and grow, quantify, purify, and analyze animal viruses. The student will complete a research project on a problem concerning the molecular biology of animal virus replication.

MICB 6890 Independent Study Microbiology

[0-15 credit hours]

Intensive study in field of interest, including theoretical and experimental work. May be repeated for credit

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

MICB 8200 Microbiology Human Infections

[3 credit hours]

A series of lectures describing the classification, replication strategics and structural composition of the major families of animal viruses that infect humans.

MICB 8210 Advanced Virology

[3 credit hours]

An in-depth analysis of current research in virology including the reading and analysis of recently published papers on the replication and molecular biology of animal viruses, particularly viruses belonging to the Togaviridiae and coronaviridae and the bacterial and plant viruses that are homologous to these two families of animal viruses.

MICB 8220 Laboratory Molecular Virology

[4 credit hours]

A laboratory course in which the students will learn to grow tissue culture cells and grow, quantify, purify, and analyze animal viruses. The student will complete a research project on a problem concerning the molecular biology of animal virus replication.

MICB 8890 Independent Study Microbiology

[0-15 credit hours]

Intensive study in field of interest, including theoretical and experimental work. May be repeated for credit

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall