Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 5000 Advanced Spanish Grammar

[3 credit hours]

An advanced study of Spanish grammar in preparation for higher levels of study in the language and for its use in professional pursuits.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SPAN 5010 Syntax And Stylistics

[4 credit hours]

A thorough study of the grammatical structure of Spanish with special attention to stylistic problems.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SPAN 5060 Translation & Interpretation In Spanish

[3 credit hours]

A study of the techniques of translation and interpretation as they relate to English and Spanish based on a contrastive analysis of two languages, both in theory and practice.

Term Offered: Spring

SPAN 5070 History Of The Spanish Language

[3 credit hours]

A study of the development of the Spanish language from Vulgar Latin to the present, illustrated with selected texts.

Term Offered: Spring

SPAN 5110 Introduction To Spanish Linguistics

[4 credit hours]

Basic concepts of linguistics as applied to the study of the Spanish language and its dialectal systems. Emphasis phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SPAN 5120 Teaching Colloquia

[3 credit hours]

A course in the theory of second language acquisition and practice of teaching foreign / second languages in general.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

SPAN 5160 Latin American Novel I

[3 credit hours]

A study of the Latin American novel from the nineteenth century to the authors of the literary Boom of 1963.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SPAN 5170 Latin American Novel II

[3 credit hours]

A study of the major developments in Latin American novel from the Boom to the present.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SPAN 5180 Business Spanish

[3 credit hours]

A graduate level introduction to the language of the Hispanic world peculiar to the areas of business and commerce.

Term Offered: Fall

SPAN 5210 Spanish For Reading Knowledge I

[3 credit hours]

Study of those elements of structure and vocabulary most appropriate for preparing graduate students to read effectively in Spanish. (Not for majors)

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SPAN 5220 Spanish For Reading Knowledge II

[3 credit hours]

Study of those elements of structure and vocabulary most appropriate for preparing graduate students to read effectively in Spanish. (Not for majors)

SPAN 5250 Latin American Short Story

[3 credit hours]

Development of the Latin American short story from its origins with special emphasis on the contemporary authors such as Allende, Borges, Cortazar, Garcia Marquez and Rulfo among others.

Term Offered: Fall

SPAN 5310 Medieval & Renaissance Spanish Literature

[3 credit hours]

Study of major works from the Poema de Mio Cid to the early writers of the Siglo de Oro.

Term Offered: Spring

SPAN 5820 Modern Spanish Drama

[3 credit hours]

Critical readings of Spanish drama from Romanticism to the latest contemporary trends.

SPAN 5830 Hispanic Cinema

[3 credit hours]

Critical viewings of Spanish-language films from Spain and the Americas. Emphasis on cultural criticism.

Term Offered: Spring

SPAN 5980 Special Topics

[3 credit hours]

Study and research in specific areas or authors with considerable reading of Spanish texts plus written reports in Spanish.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SPAN 6900 Research In Spanish

[1-3 credit hours]

May be repeated for additional credit when topic varies.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

SPAN 6930 Seminar: Selected Topics

[1-3 credit hours]

Selected topics from Spanish culture, linguistics, or literature.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall