BS/MS Pharmaceutical Sciences – Pharmacology Toxicology

The combined BS/MS program in Pharmacology and Toxicology (PTOX) allows students to receive both the BSPS and MSPS degrees in five years. 

All course requirements for each degree, BSPS and MSPS, remain intact for the combined BS/MS program. However, since some classes that are required in the BSPS program overlap with the MSPS program, they are waived for the MSPS program with a grade of B- or better. 

PHCL 5700Pharmacology I: Principles of Pharmacology, Autonomic Pharmacology and Related Pharmacology3
PHCL 5720Pharmacology II: Endocrine And Cns Pharmacology3
PHCL 5730Toxicology I3
PHCL 6700Pharmacology III: Cns And Cardiovascular/Renal Pharmacology3

For the combined BS/MS program, the BSPS internship must be completed in the summer between the P1 and P2 years since BS/MS students begin MS level work during the P2 year. To fulfill both the internship and degree credit requirements, the internship must be taken for 9-12 credits during this summer. The student must complete the internship and the MS thesis with the same supervisor. This allows ideas and training from the internship to facilitate work in the MS portion of the program.

BS/MS students take 9 credits in the spring of the P2 year after BSPS graduation in December. The MSPS portion of the BS/MS program requires 4-6 credits in the summer term, and 9 credits in each of the following fall and spring terms, with a possible 3 credit final summer term if the thesis defense is not completed before the end of the spring term.