Career and Technical Education (CTE)
CTE 5010 Teaching Occupational Skills
[3 credit hours]
This course is required for the Health Careers, Career-Technical Education and the six Career-Technical Licenses. This course addresses multiple topics critical to workforce education as they apply to the laboratory environment. Students are provided classroom and clinical experiences designed to assist the beginning teacher with basic laboratory instructional techniques and management strategies that integrate academic, occupational and employability skills in a contextual framework.
Term Offered: Summer
CTE 5020 Occupational Safety And Liability
[3 credit hours]
This course is required for the Adult Education, Career Based Intervention, and Work-Site Teacher/Coordinator endorsements. Occupational health and safety hazards applicable to school, business, and industry, will be examined. Utilizing clinical and classroom experiences students will investigate: the rationale for safety training; strategies to minimize exposure and prevent injuries; specific topics, such as ergonomics, blood borne pathogens, air quality, sound, hazardous materials, back safety, substance abuse, violence in the workplace, etc.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer
CTE 5030 Teaching Occupational Knowledge
[3 credit hours]
This course is required for the Health Careers, Career-Technical Education and the six Career-Technical Licenses. Designed as a co-requisite in the professional education series, this course addresses multiple topics critical to workforce education as they apply to the classroom environment. Students are provided classroom and clinical experiences designed to assist the beginning teacher with basic classroom instructional techniques and management strategies that integrate academic, occupational and employability skills in a contextual framework.
Term Offered: Summer
CTE 5050 Methods for Teaching CTE Methods I
[2 credit hours]
This course is required for the Health Careers, Career-Technical Education and the six Career- Technical Licenses. The pedagogical and management skills introduced in CTE 4010 are integrated in a contextual framework utilizing an actual laboratory situation. Learning styles; laboratory planning, instruction, technology, and management; integrated academics; performance assessment; safety and liability issues; employability and SCANS skills; community partnerships; school-based and work-site learning; etc. are the basis for student research, reflection, and inquiry
Term Offered: Fall
CTE 5070 CTE Methods II
[2 credit hours]
This course is required for the Health Careers, Career-Technical Education and the six Career-Technical Licenses. The pedagogical and management skills introduced in CTE 4030 are integrated in a contextual framework utilizing an actual classroom setting. Organizing curriculum; instructional planning, management, delivery and technology; learning theory; behavior management; motivation; integrated academics; authentic assessment; career-technical student organizations; etc. are the basis for student research, reflection, and inquiry.
Term Offered: Spring
CTE 5080 Principles Of School-To-work Transition
[3 credit hours]
Design for educators and employers to increase their knowledge and skill to build partnerships between schools and business, industry and labor. Examines transition concepts, components, implementation strategies and models.
Term Offered: Summer
CTE 5110 Seminar for CTE Teachers
[3 credit hours]
The career-technical education teacher is an occupational professional who possesses the pedagogical knowledge and reflective decision making skills necessary to enter the teaching profession at multiple levels. In order to prepare individuals as career-technical instructors, components of the licensure program were developed and approved by the State Board of Education, to promote high professional standards to provide quality classroom teachers. The components are: a clear mission; operational goals; specific competencies of an assessment system.
Term Offered: Spring
CTE 5140 Cooperative Education
[3 credit hours]
This course is required for the Career Based Intervention. The course is designed to present the basic fundamentals of establishing and operating a cooperative occupational program. Students investigate and develop operational procedures to address: student selection; assessing the quality of potential training stations; student placement; school-based learning; critical issues related to work-based learning; critical issues related to work-based learning; minor labor laws; partnering with parents, business, and labor; connecting activities; record keeping; evaluation techniques; etc.
Term Offered: Fall
CTE 5160 Curriculum Development & Teaching
[3 credit hours]
This course is required for the Career Based Intervention. Designed as a study of cooperative education curriculum and instructional methods, the course includes the coordination of school-based instruction with on-the-job work-based experience. Learning styles of diverse students; instructional planning and delivery; classroom management; integrated academics; authentic assessment; safety and liability issues; employability and SCANS skills; community partnerships; school-based and work-site learning; etc. are the basis for student research, reflection, and inquiry.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer
CTE 5180 Promotion, Recruitment & Retention
[3 credit hours]
A study of career and technical education in the community, and promotion, recruitment and retention strategies, including school publics, theories of community power structure and the career and technical school in a democratic society.
Term Offered: Summer, Fall
CTE 5900 Curriculum Construction in Career and Technical Education
[3 credit hours]
This course is a study of occupational analysis and course of study assembly. Occupational instructors will be assisted to conduct program analysis and develop course content through a systematic process.
Term Offered: Fall
CTE 5930 CTE Supervised Teaching
[4 credit hours]
This course is required for the Health Careers, Career-Technical Education and the six Career-Technical Licenses. A planned field experience will be completed in public school classrooms under the direction of university facilitated induction teams. The university faculty member, on-site teacher mentor, and local administrator will collaborate to assure the novice teacher maximizes his/her potential as an individual and member of an educational team. Students are provided a contextual framework to integrate theory and practice.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
CTE 5990 Individual Study In Career And Technical Education
[1-3 credit hours]
Individual study is designed to provide the opportunity to work individually on professional problems under the direction of the faculty in career and technical education.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
CTE 6900 Research In Career And Technical Education
[1-3 credit hours]
This course is required for the Health Careers, Career-Technical Education and the six Career-Technical Licenses. The course provides the knowledge and skill in competency-based education. It includes occupational analysis; selection of course content; course of study and instructional guide development; and, credentialing students. Utilizing the Career Field Content Standards the teacher is prepared to draw from their content expertise and experiences to plan and develop instruction that addresses curriculum goals of diverse and special populations.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
CTE 6920 Master's Research Project In Career And Technical Education
[1-3 credit hours]
Open to a graduate student who elects the completion of a research project in fulfilling the research requirement of the master's degree.
Term Offered: Spring