Educational Administration and Supervision (EDAS)

EDAS 6000 The Individual In Organizations

[3 credit hours]

An overview of the individual in educational administration, i.e., as visionary leader, organizational leader, instructional leader and policy/community leader. Opportunities for personal assessment are provided as students explore critical educational issues in schools.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 6010 Leadership in School Curriculum

[3 credit hours]

An in-depth analysis of curriculum leadership to improve teacher classroom performance and to ensure that the district curriculum and instructional programs are aligned and operationalized to provide full access and opportunity to all students and student groups to meet district goals.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 6020 Instructional Leadership and Supervision

[3 credit hours]

An in-depth analysis of instructional leadership and principles of supervision which promote improved instruction. Emphasis is on teacher performance evaluation, curriculum management and strategies for creating a philosophical shift from a special education/regular education dichotomy to a universal education paradigm.

Term Offered: Fall

EDAS 6110 Legal Aspects Of School Administration

[3 credit hours]

This course provides students an opportunity to analyze legal frameworks affecting the organization and administration of public schools, including special education law, church-state issues, pupil rights, staff-student relationships, conditions of employment, teacher organizations, tort liability, school finance, and desegregation. Participants will examine the basic legal structure for education, case and statutory law, legal principles, and provisions relevant to administration.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer

EDAS 6150 The Administrative Experience

[3 credit hours]

Emphasis is on blending current theory and practice by examining the use of data to guide school improvement for students. The collection of meaningful data for focused goal setting to be employed at the district, building and classroom levels is operationalized.

Term Offered: Spring

EDAS 6190 Integrated Experiences in Education Administration

[3 credit hours]

Working in a guided reflective practice environment, the student will apply knowledge gained in previous coursework to working in school building operations, and to developing a professional portofolio.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 6230 Community And Schools

[3 credit hours]

This course explores the unique relationship between communities and schools. The democratic social structure is examined through a theoretical critique of strategies that increase citizen involvement in and build support for schools.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

EDAS 6420 Micropolitics Of School Communities

[3 credit hours]

Course focus is on the day to day politics of school work that increase the complexities of educating. Using case studies and problem-based learning, students will practice skills that support democratic practices in school communities.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 6440 Equity Issues In Educational Finance And Economics

[3 credit hours]

Analysis of educational finance and economic issues pertinent to school districts. Analysis of various funding models at the local, state and national level are studied employing various measures of equity. Building/District level school finance and resource management strategies are examined.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

EDAS 6920 Master's Project In Educational Administration

[1-3 credit hours]

Open to graduate students who elect the completion of a research project in fulfilling the research requirements of the master's program.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

EDAS 6960 Master's Thesis In Educational Administration

[1-3 credit hours]

Open to graduate students who elect the completion of a research thesis in fulfilling the research requirements of the master's program.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

EDAS 6990 Individual Study In Educational Administration - Master's

[1-3 credit hours]

Open to graduate students who wish to pursue individual study on professional problems in EDAS under the direction of an EDAS faculty member.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer

EDAS 7920 Specialist Project In Educational Administration

[1-3 credit hours]

Open to graduate students to fulfill the completion of a research project in fulfilling the research requirements of the specialist program.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

EDAS 7990 Independent Study In Education Administration

[1-3 credit hours]

Individual study on professional problems in EDAS under the direction of a EDAS faculty member.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

EDAS 8000 The Individual In Organizations

[3 credit hours]

An overview of the individual in educational administration, i.e., as visionary leader, organizational leader, instructional leader and policy/community leader. Opportunities for personal assessment are provided as students explore critical educational issues in schools.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8010 Leadership in School Curriculum

[3 credit hours]

An in-depth analysis of curriculum leadership to improve teacher classroom performance and to ensure that the district curriculum and instructional programs are aligned and operationalized to provide full access and opportunity to all students and student groups to meet district goals.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8020 Instructional Leadership

[3 credit hours]

An in-depth analysis of instructional leadership and principles of supervision which promote improved instruction. Emphasis is on teacher performance evaluation, curriculum management and strategies for creating a philosophical shift from a special education/regular education dichotomy to a universal education paradigm.

Term Offered: Fall

EDAS 8110 Legal Aspects Of School Administration

[3 credit hours]

This course provides students an opportunity to analyze legal frameworks affecting the organization and administration of public schools, including special education law, church-state issues, pupil rights, staff-student relationships, conditions of employment, teacher organizations, tort liability, school finance, and desegregation. Participants will examine the basic legal structure for education, case and statutory law, legal principles, and provisions relevant to administration.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer

EDAS 8150 The Administrative Experience

[3 credit hours]

Emphasis is on blending current theory and practice by examining the use of data to guide school improvement for students. The collection of meaningful data for focused goal setting to be employed at the district, building and classroom levels is operationalized.

Term Offered: Spring

EDAS 8190 Integrated Experiences In Education Administration

[3 credit hours]

Working in a guided reflective practice environment, the student will apply knowledge gained in previous coursework to working in school building operations.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8220 Administration Of Special Programs

[3 credit hours]

This course examines the administration of special programs that operate at the district and school level with particular focus on Special Education leadership issues. Title I, ESL, vocational education, guidance, and athletic programs are also explored.

Term Offered: Summer, Fall

EDAS 8230 Community And Schools

[3 credit hours]

This course explores the unique relationship between communities and schools. The democratic social structure is examined through a theoretical critique of strategies that increase citizen involvement in and build support for schools.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

EDAS 8300 Integrate Experiences: Policies In Action

[3 credit hours]

This course analyses policies employed by schools and school districts in providing for education of students and services to the school community. On-site fieldwork is required.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8420 Micropolitics Of School Communities

[3 credit hours]

Course focus is on the day to day politics of school work that increase the complexities of educating. Using case studies and problem-based learning, students will practice skills that support democratic practices in school communities.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8440 Equity Issues In Educational Finance And Economics

[3 credit hours]

Analysis of educational finance and economic issues pertinent to school districts. Analysis of various funding models at the local, state and national level are studied employing various measures of equity. Building/District level school finance and resource management strategies are examined.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

EDAS 8600 Leadership And Organizational Theory

[3 credit hours]

An analysis of leadership and organizational theory as influences on current thinking about and approaches to educational administration. Emphasis is on understanding dominant themes that impact administrative theory.

Term Offered: Fall

EDAS 8620 Politics And Policy Analysis And Development

[3 credit hours]

This course examines the issues involved in policy formation and analysis along with the political process of public education. Local, intermediate, state and federal levels are considered.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8640 Leading Systems Change

[3 credit hours]

Course explores processes and practices used by educators to redesign preK-12 educational systems to improve outcomes for students. Content examines processes of moving espoused organizational values to actionable knowledge. Organizational Development recommended.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8660 Critical Analysis Of Inquiry In Schools

[3 credit hours]

Concepts in understanding and evaluating contemporary educational research, addressing both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The focus is on the knowledge base school leaders must have to evaluate, use and initiate educational research in school settings.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8930 Doctoral Seminar In Educational Administration And Supervision

[3 credit hours]

The course examines research findings and research methodology in Educational Administration and Supervision as they are pertinent to development of dissertation proposals. Dissertation proposal development is encouraged.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

EDAS 8960 Doctoral Dissertation In Educational Administration And Supervision

[1-12 credit hours]

Production of an original, scholarly product in the area Educational Administration and Supervision. Dissertation credit may total not less than 12 semester hours.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall