Medicine (MEDI)
MEDI 5800 Instructional Strategies in Medical Education
[3 credit hours]
This 4-week, fully online course prepares faculty to effectively design learning objectives, instructional materials, and learning activities that align with teaching modalities and assessments for medical education. Participants will gain insights about instructional strategies and best practices in designing and delivering medical education.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
MEDI 5810 Capstone In Medical Educational Research
[1-3 credit hours]
This is a formal independent project achieved by applying principles of research and/or measurement to solve a particular problem in health professions education and culminating in a written discourse, journal manuscript, or education grant application.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
MEDI 6050 Advanced Biostatistics
[1-3 credit hours]
Application of advanced statistical techniques with particular emphasis on problems in the biomedical sciences. Multiple regression, methods of analysis of variance, categorical data analysis including logistic regression, nonparametric and survival analysis. Problems whose solutions involve using a statistical program (SAS or SPSS).
MEDI 6200 Managed Health Care
[2 credit hours]
This course will enable the health care professional to understand those forces driving change in the managed care era and will help prepare them for the future.
MEDI 6720 Current Topics in Medicine
[0-4 credit hours]
A lecture and/or seminar course on topics of current interest in medicine with special emphasis on the fundamentals of human life under normal, experimental, or pathological conditions. May be repeated for credit.
MEDI 8890 Independent Study in Medicine
[0-12 credit hours]
Intensive study in field of interest, including theoretical and experimental work. May be repeated for credit.