Political Science (PSC)

PSC 5220 Advocacy Groups in US Politics

[3 credit hours]

This course investigates the role of advocacy groups in American politics. It develops practical lobbying skills through experiential learning and covers topics such as the role of advocacy groups in campaigns and elections, grass roots mobilization, and agenda setting.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

PSC 5230 Presidency

[3 credit hours]

The nomination, election, responsibilities and performance of the American president. The course includes decision making, policy making, personality, and relations with Congress, the Courts, news media and interest groups.

Term Offered: Spring

PSC 5280 Legislative Process

[3 credit hours]

An intensive study of the development, functions, committees, party and factional organizations of the U.S. Congress, state legislatures and non-American legislative bodies.

Term Offered: Summer, Fall

PSC 5300 Principles of Public Administration

[3 credit hours]

This course provides an overview of public administration. It addresses organization theory, decision making, budgeting, public policy, and the changing role of public institutions. It covers important democratic, professional, ethical and human values that are central to public administration.

PSC 5320 Urban Policy & Administration

[3 credit hours]

What does it take to govern a city and its environs? In this course, we examine the balance between the pressing needs of a city and the many economic and political constraints that citizens, leaders, and experts must navigate to achieve their goals.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5340 Environmental Policy And Administration

[3 credit hours]

Policy for air and water pollution control, hazardous wastes, nuclear wastes. Examination of EPA, Congressional committees, state and city agencies as well as some international issues.

Term Offered: Fall

PSC 5360 Ethics In Public Policy And Administration

[3 credit hours]

Examination of values and principles which guide public policy formation and public administration. Applications of philosophical concepts to policy problems and the responsibilities of public administrators will be emphasized.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5380 Fundraising

[3 credit hours]

This course examines the theoretical, practical and ethical issues related to public and nonprofit organizations fundraising. This course will prepare students who plan to work in public and nonprofit organizations to win and manage grants as well as philanthropic donations from multiple sources.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5410 Public and Nonprofit Management

[3 credit hours]

This course examines management techniques, organizational design, strategic planning and the theoretical and practical behavioral skills that are necessary for effective public and nonprofit management. These skills include communication, organizational, and leadership skills within public and nonprofit organizations.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5420 Political Determinants of Health

[3 credit hours]

An examination of the political determinants of health, that is, the upstream political forces and policy decisions that are the causal sources of the social conditions that lead to health inequities. This course introduces the importance of power, politics, advocacy, and policy in public health. Students will learn models of health equity and the political determinants of health and apply these to contemporary case studies with particular attention to the health effects of racism.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

Multicultural US Diversity

PSC 5430 Human Resources Management in Public and Nonprofit Organizations

[3 credit hours]

This course is a study of human resource management in public and nonprofit organizations. The course explores broad themes within public personnel administration such as recruitment, retention, motivation, and diversity to provide students with the opportunity to develop technical skills necessary for effectively managing human resources in contemporary public agencies, including government and nonprofit organizations.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5440 Budgeting And Financial Administration

[3 credit hours]

An examination of the institutions and techniques of financial administration, including government accounting, budgeting, financial management and government choice.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5480 Introduction to Nonprofits

[3 credit hours]

This course provides an overview of the voluntary sector with an emphasis on the historical, philosophical, and theoretical justifications of the nonprofit sector, voluntary action, and philanthropy. The course will explore the administration and management of nonprofit organizations as well as the impact nonprofit organizations have on public policy.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5560 Law And Public Administration

[3 credit hours]

Survey of law topics that are relevant for managers of public and nonprofit organizations.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5590 Law, Policy And The Politics of Sexuality

[3 credit hours]

This course explores the public policies that affect the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in the United States and in other countries. It examines the factors that affect policymaking in this area.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

PSC 5720 International Organizations

[3 credit hours]

A study of the background, aims, purposes and problems of international organizations. An examination of the functions of the specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system.

Term Offered: Fall

PSC 5950 Mpa Research Report

[2 credit hours]

Independent research, under the direction of a faculty adviser, analyzing experience as a public official.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 5980 Current Topics In Political Science

[3 credit hours]

Examination of emerging issues within the various segments and subfields of the discipline of political science.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

PSC 5990 Independent Study In Political Science

[1-3 credit hours]

Individual study in selected topic.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 6110 Public Policy Methods and Analysis

[3 credit hours]

This course explores research methodology as used in public affairs and public administration. We will analyze political phenomena in a rigorous and scientific manner and connect research methods to practice of administration. Topics include research design, research ethics, quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches, basic statistical techniques for data analysis through measures of association and regression. By doing so, this course assists in the professional development of in-service and pre-service practitioners of public management.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 6420 Program Evaluation

[3 credit hours]

Evaluating the effectiveness of programs and policies is an essential component of public, nonprofit and private sector management. This class is an introduction to the field of program evaluation. Evaluation uses research methodology to investigate the formation, implementation and administration of public policies and public programs.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 6430 Public Policy Process

[3 credit hours]

Application of current theories of the public policy process to current issues in public policy and management. Emphasis on the dominant theories of the process, including policy streams, advocacy coalitions, punctuated equilibrium, institutional and rational choice models.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 6490 Public Administration Capstone

[2 credit hours]

This course concludes the MPA curriculum at the University of Toledo. It is designed to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge to help students further their public and non-profit sector careers.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 6940 Professional Experience

[1 credit hour]

Professional experience, such as an internship or professional project, in public or nonprofit agency and preparation for the MPA Capstone course.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

PSC 6960 Thesis Seminar

[1-6 credit hours]

Supervision of master's thesis writing.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall