Academic Standing

Academic good standing requires an undergraduate student to maintain a cumulative university of Toledo grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. A student in academic good standing is eligible for registration for the upcoming term in accordance with current regulations and procedures outlined by the individual colleges and/or specific degree programs. The academic progress test required for the awarding of federal financial aid may differ from the university’s definition of academic good standing. An undergraduate student must be in academic good standing to be eligible to graduate from the university.

Academic Alert

Students with less than 30 UToledo GPA hours and with less than a 2.0 UToledo cumulative GPA will receive an Academic Alert. An Academic Alert serves as an early alert to below-average academic performance. Students who receive an Academic Alert are required to enroll in a University-sponsored academic recovery program the following semester. The program is designed to provide students with the skills and support necessary to improve academically.

Academic Warning

Students will be placed on Academic Warning when their cumulative GPA has dropped below 2.0, and they have 30 or more UToledo GPA cumulative semester hours. In successive semesters, students with a cumulative UToledo GPA below 2.0 will remain on Academic Warning. Students will be removed from Academic Warning when their cumulative UToledo GPA is 2.0 or greater. A student on Academic Warning is required to fulfill requirements to remain eligible for registration. These requirements include, but are not limited to, participation in a University-sponsored academic recovery program, regular attendance in courses, utilizing University tutoring and/or other student success initiatives.

Academic Suspension

Students must be given a minimum of one semester on Academic Warning prior to being placed on academic suspension. Students may remain on Academic Warning as long as their semester GPA is above 2.0 and their cumulative GPA is below 2.0. If a student’s semester GPA and cumulative GPA both fall below 2.0 after a semester on Academic Warning, a student may be suspended.

Individual colleges or degree programs may establish an appeal process to allow students subject to suspension to continue their enrollment within that college or degree program. Individual colleges or degree programs may also choose to immediately accept students suspended from other colleges or degree programs provided that these students meet the transfer student admission requirements of that program.

Readmission and Subsequent Suspension

After serving the suspension term, students may petition for readmission to the degree program from which they were suspended. Each academic college or degree program will establish its own policies and procedures for acceptance of readmission petitions, reinstatement of suspended students, and the return of reinstated students to academic good standing. If the readmission is approved, degree programs and/or academic colleges may issue conditions that must be satisfied for students returning from suspension to continue their enrollment after readmission. Undergraduate students serving a suspension will not be allowed to take any courses at the University of Toledo. If a suspended student takes courses at another institution and wishes to petition for readmission to the University following the term of their suspension, then they must successfully petition for readmission and meet the transfer student admission requirements for the degree program in which they wish to continue their studies.

Students who are granted readmission after their first suspension must maintain a term GPA of 2.0 or greater for each semester until they return to good academic standing and meet any additional conditions of the readmission agreement provided by the college or degree program. Students who fail to meet these conditions are subject to a second suspension from the University of Toledo and are not eligible for readmission for at least one calendar year.

Students who are granted readmission after their second suspension must maintain a term GPA of 2.0 or greater for each semester until they return to academic good standing and meet any additional conditions of the readmission agreement provided by the college or degree program. Students who fail to meet these conditions are subject to a third suspension from the University of Toledo and are not eligible for readmission for at least three years. Related: Please see policy 3364-71-06 Academic forgiveness.

Program Ineligibility

Academic colleges and/or degree programs have the right to establish requirements for minimum academic performance, in order for students to continue their enrollment. Therefore, it is possible that a continuing student will be in academic good standing or on Academic Warning with the University, but ineligible to continue enrollment within their degree program without being subject to the suspension rules described above. If a student fails to meet the minimum academic performance required to continue in their degree program, the student may be deemed program ineligible and removed from their degree program.

Program ineligible students are eligible to continue their enrollment at the University of Toledo provided they are not subject to suspension and are able to enroll in another degree program for which they meet the admission requirements. If a program ineligible student does not select another degree program, a registration hold will be placed on that student’s account and the student will be directed by the Registrar to contact an advisor in their current academic college.

A student's academic standing in the university is determined by the Registrar at the end of the term. Each college will establish the procedures a student must follow, including enrollment restrictions for any subsequent term(s) and/or any conditions for readmission. Colleges will monitor academic progress for a student placed on academic warning.