Health Education (HEAL)
HEAL 1310 Nutrition for Fitness & Health
[1 credit hour]
The student will learn basic nutrition as it applies physical fitness and overall health. Students will learn principles of planning a healthful diet that meets fitness goals.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 1320 Nutrition for Weight Management
[1 credit hour]
The student will learn principles of weight management, nutrition as it applies to healthy weight control, and overall health and will learn to plan individual approach to healthy diet.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 1360 Alcohol and Contemporary Issues in College Life
[1 credit hour]
This course provides students with an overview of the health, legal, and academic risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption among college students. Various prevention and treatment issues will be examined.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 1500 First Aid
[2 credit hours]
Provides the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to provide care for victims of sudden illness and injury. CPR, AED, and First Aid certification upon successful completion of the course.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 1700 Introduction to Health Careers
[3 credit hours]
An introduction to health and human service careers through an examination of the health care system, health career educational requirements, job outlook, and professional settings in which they operate.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 1800 Medical Terminology
[3 credit hours]
Study of the origin and structure of medical words, their prefixes, suffixes, special endings and singular to plural forms. Medical terms relating to the body and to clinical procedures will be explored.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 2000 Foundations Of Health Education
[3 credit hours]
Designed to introduce students to the field of health education by acquainting them with basic information, history, philosophy and competencies unique to health educators.
Term Offered: Fall
HEAL 2100 Living Well
[3 credit hours]
There is a strong correlation between personal well-being, potential for success in personal/career goals, and a successful college experience. An understanding of this interconnectedness based on social and behavioral health theories and science helps students develop personalized strategies for individual success in all areas of life. This practical application course builds a core knowledge foundation in the well-being literature and helps them apply that knowledge to positive changes in their lives. These strategies and skills are based on an understanding of the qualitative and quantitative evidence from scientific studies in this area. This course is well-suited to all majors wanting a better understanding of the social and behavioral foundations of living well.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 2400 General Safety
[3 credit hours]
An analysis of accident causation and disasters occurring in the home, workplace and community, and the presentation of a framework for developing accident counter-measures.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 2500 Personal Health
[3 credit hours]
Information is presented on the prevention and control of health problems including heart disease, cancer, infectious diseases, mental health, nutrition, human sexuality and other pertinent personal health issues.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 2600 Mental Health
[3 credit hours]
An examination of the principles of mental health, mental illnesses, mental health professionals and mental health facilities.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 2700 Introduction to Public Health
[3 credit hours]
Introduces students to the structure, organization and methods of public health including an emphasis on protecting and improving the health of populations via research, needs assessment, program planning, program implementation, and program evaluation.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 2750 Introduction to Epidemiology
[3 credit hours]
This course provides students with a basic understanding of epidemiologic methods and study design and of the place of epidemiology in preventive and clinical medicine, disease investigation, program evaluation and public policy.
Term Offered: Fall
HEAL 2800 Principles Of Nutrition
[3 credit hours]
Students learn basic nutrition concepts. Personal nutritional practices are analyzed and evaluated to plan improvements. Encourages making informed decisions about nutrition by critically analyzing nutrition information which abounds in popular media.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 2940 Practicum In Community Health
[2 credit hours]
Supervised field experience with community health agency. Students work under direct supervision of the agency's staff and a University supervisor.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 3000 Global Health
[3 credit hours]
This is an introductory course focused on applying public health principles in developing as well as developed countries designed to fulfill a global studies distribution requirement.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 3300 Drug Awareness
[3 credit hours]
Focuses on the impact of drug abuse and misuse on the individual and society. Explores physiological, psychological and rehabilitative aspects of drug misuse and abuse. Prevention strategies are discussed.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 3500 Environmental Health
[3 credit hours]
An overview of the environmental effects of factors such as population growth, pollution, energy use, agriculture practices and waste disposal on the environment. Consideration will be given to solutions.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer
HEAL 3600 Prevention And Control Of Disease
[3 credit hours]
An examination of the etiology, pathogenesis, prevention and control of acute and chronic diseases. Current techniques of prevention, control and detection are examined.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 3700 Foundations Of Human Sexuality
[3 credit hours]
The course is designed to provide an introduction to the scientific study of human sexuality. The topic is approached from a variety of perspectives, including the historical, psychological, sociological, biological, ethical and legal.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 3800 Death And Dying
[3 credit hours]
The course is designed to analyze the relationship between death and health with emphasis upon the biological, psychological, bioethical and legal aspects of death in contemporary society.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 4100 Health Behavior
[3 credit hours]
Examines the major theories and models of health behavior and explores how those theories/models can be used to promote health and wellness in individuals, groups and populations.
Prerequisites: (HEAL 2000 with a minimum grade of B- and HEAL 2700 with a minimum grade of B-)
Term Offered: Fall
HEAL 4200 Methods And Materials In Community Health
[3 credit hours]
Designed for senior-level students to advance their knowledge and skills in needs assessment, program design, program implementation, program management, and program evaluation.
Prerequisites: HEAL 2000 with a minimum grade of D- and HEAL 2700 with a minimum grade of D- and HEAL 2750 with a minimum grade of D-
Term Offered: Fall
HEAL 4250 Program Evaluation
[3 credit hours]
Provides students with the fundamental knowledge of the types (formative, outcome, summative) of program evaluation and the purposes and importance behind program evaluation. Additionally, students will learn how to develop theory based evaluation methods.
Prerequisites: HEAL 4200 with a minimum grade of C
Term Offered: Spring
HEAL 4400 Health Problems Of Youth
[3 credit hours]
Provides education majors the knowledge and skills necessary to help identify, understand, and prevent preadolescent and adolescent health problems and risky health behaviors which directly impact school and future success.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
HEAL 4500 Women's Health Care
[3 credit hours]
The course is designed to consider personal health topics of special interest and applicability to women. The focus is upon the role of self-understanding and self-help in promotion of health and well-being.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 4560 Health Problems Of Aging
[3 credit hours]
Acquaints students with physical changes and socio-psychological problems that occur with aging. Focus is on personal adjustment important in maintaining health throughout the aging process.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 4700 Nutritional Science
[3 credit hours]
Introduces basic human nutritional needs. Examines the role of diet and health and disease throughout the lifestyle, including weight control and fitness issues. Personal nutritional practices are analyzed and evaluated.
Prerequisites: KINE 2530 with a minimum grade of D- or KINE 2560 with a minimum grade of D- or KINE 2570 with a minimum grade of D- or EXSC 2530 with a minimum grade of D- or EXSC 2560 with a minimum grade of D- or EXSC 2570 with a minimum grade of D-
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 4750 Obesity And Eating Disorders
[3 credit hours]
Examines the issues of obesity and eating disorders. Consideration of effects on the individual as well as the public health implications. Explores causes, health and emotional impact, and treatment approaches.
Prerequisites: HEAL 2800 with a minimum grade of D-
Term Offered: Summer, Fall
HEAL 4800 Public Health Research And Statistics
[3 credit hours]
An examination of research and statistical techniques commonly employed in the health field. Topics will include research design, ethics of research, hypothesis testing and critiques of published research in health journals.
Prerequisites: HEAL 2750 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of B- and HEAL 3600 with a minimum grade of B-
Term Offered: Spring
HEAL 4900 Health Education Seminar
[1-3 credit hours]
Seminars are developed around selected topics of interest and allow in-depth consideration of the subject. They provide the student with advanced study in the area.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 4940 Senior Field Experience
[6 credit hours]
Provides students the opportunity to develop the competencies necessary to assume responsibilities as an entry-level public health specialist through on-site work experiences in a public health agency, organization, or industry. Students will work under direct supervision of the agency's staff and a University supervisor.
Prerequisites: HEAL 2940 with a minimum grade of D- and HEAL 4100 with a minimum grade of D- and HEAL 4800 with a minimum grade of D-
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall
HEAL 4960 Political Determinants of Health
[3 credit hours]
An examination of the political determinants of health, that is, the upstream political forces and policy decisions that are the causal sources of the social conditions that lead to health inequities. This course introduces the importance of power, politics, advocacy, and policy in public health. Students will learn models of health equity and the political determinants of health and apply these to contemporary case studies with particular attention to the health effects of racism.
Term Offered: Spring, Fall
Multicultural US Diversity
HEAL 4990 Independent Study In Health Education
[1-3 credit hours]
Directed individual study. Specialty title, seminar sheet and permission of instructor are required.
Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall