Speech Language Pathology (SLP)

SLP 1400 Introduction to Communication Disorders

[3 credit hours]

A study of causative factors and characteristics of communicative disorders in comparison to normal speech/language/hearing processes.

Term Offered: Fall

SLP 2150 Speech and Hearing Science

[4 credit hours]

A detailed exploration of the speech and language production system, as well as the hearing mechanism with relation to the auditory environment. Information on aerodynamic and acoustic parameters of speech, the anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms, the neural basis of speech/language/hearing, and the speech perception system is provided during this course. The course is designed with lab experiences so students can get hands-on practice.

Term Offered: Spring

SLP 2400 Communication Disorders

[3 credit hours]

A study of causative factors and characteristics of communicative disorders in comparison to normal speech/language/hearing processes.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 3010 Clinical Phonetics

[0-4 credit hours]

Understanding of articulatory and acoustic phonetics with emphasis on the development of transcription skills using the International Phonetic Alphabet in recording normal and disordered speech production. Laboratory required for transcription skill development.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 3020 Anatomy And Physiology Of Communication Mechanisms

[0-4 credit hours]

The study of the anatomy and physiology of the mechanisms used for communication including oral-pharynageal-esophageal, respiratory, and neurological systems.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 3030 Normal Language Acquisition

[0-4 credit hours]

Presents basic theories of language acquisition and procedures to describe the developmental sequence of childhood language. Procedures and techniques for analyzing childhood language are introduced and practiced in laboratory experiences.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 3150 Speech and Hearing Science

[0-4 credit hours]

A detailed exploration of the speech and language production system, as well as the hearing mechanism with relation to the auditory environment. Information on aerodynamic and acoustic parameters of speech, the anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms, the neural basis of speech/language/hearing, and the speech perception system is provided during this course. The course is designed with lab experiences so students can get hands-on practice.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 3200 Articulation/Phonological Disorders

[0-4 credit hours]

Assessment techniques and intervention strategies for persons with disorders of the sound system of the language. Theories of phonological acquisition and etiological factors will be discussed during this course. Laboratory experience required.

Prerequisites: SLP 3010 with a minimum grade of D- and SLP 3020 with a minimum grade of D-

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 3300 Language Disorders

[0-4 credit hours]

Course includes the identification of etiologic bases and characteristics of language disorders. Assessment strategies leading to choice of intervention techniques will be discussed. Laboratory experience required.

Prerequisites: SLP 3030 with a minimum grade of C

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 3400 Clinical Audiology

[3 credit hours]

The student learns to administer and interpret the comprehensive auditory battery consisting of pure-tone air conduction and bone conduction thresholds, speech reception thresholds, speech discrimination tests and acoustic emittance test battery.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 3800 Methods For Clinical Intervention

[3 credit hours]

Teaches methods of intervention of speech, language and hearing services in various settings. Emphasis on developing skills in observation, report writing, and structuring intervention services and their implementation. Requires 25 hours of observation. Mandatory clinic meeting, and one hour lab duty. Laboratory experience required.

Prerequisites: (SLP 3200 with a minimum grade of B- and SLP 3300 with a minimum grade of B-)

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 4000 Beginning Clinical Practicum

[2 credit hours]

Supervised participation in structured individual or group intervention leading to the accumulation of 25 clinical hours of practicum.

Prerequisites: SLP 3800 with a minimum grade of B-

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

SLP 4350 Concomitant Disorders

[3 credit hours]

This capstone course explores literature in advanced speech and language disorders as well as intervention communication disorders.

Term Offered: Spring

SLP 4910 Directed Research In Speech-Language Pathology

[1-5 credit hours]

Directed research provides students the opportunity to explore specific topics and develop individual research with a faculty member. Current questions in the area of speech-language pathology will be the focus.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

SLP 4920 Readings In Speech-Language Pathology

[1-5 credit hours]

Individual Readings is designed to provide students with opportunities to examine literature related to specific issues. The student works under the direction of faculty in the speech-language pathology program.

SLP 4980 Special Topics In Speech-Language Pathology

[1-5 credit hours]

An advanced course for undergraduate majors in speech-language pathology or majors in related fields covering an important area of communication disorders. Student may repeat this course under different section numbers.

Term Offered: Spring, Fall

SLP 4990 Independent Study Speech-Language Pathology

[1-5 credit hours]

Independent study provides students with opportunities to work individually on issues under the direction of the speech-language pathology program faculty. The student meets with instructor without formal classes.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall