Child and Youth Services (CYS)

CYS 1010 Leadership and Best Practices in Child and Youth Programming

[3 credit hours]

This course is a practical exploration of the principles, methods, procedures, and skills needed for the development and implementation of child and/or youth programs. Students will be prepared to intern in an established child and/or youth development program upon completion of the course.

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

CYS 1020 Studies in Child and Youth Learning and Development

[3 credit hours]

This course is an introductory exploration of the content and context associated with an established early childhood and/or youth development program. This course includes practice in modern teaching procedures, construction and use of classroom instructional materials, analysis of the teaching learning process, meeting the needs of diverse learners, classroom supervision, and community relations.

Prerequisites: CYS 1010 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D-

Corequisites: CYS 1030

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall

CYS 1030 Field Experience in Child Development Centers / Youth Services Forums

[9 credit hours]

This course is a supervised leadership experience within a child and/or youth development internship program. Students who complete this course are prepared to work with children and/or youth in a variety of educational and non-educational domestic and international settings. Practical field-based assignments encourage students to reflect upon their experience as part of the development of interpersonal, cross-cultural, and leadership skills.

Prerequisites: CYS 1010 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D-

Corequisites: CYS 1020

Term Offered: Spring, Summer, Fall